Vision for the next 5 years :
A world without poverty that is egalitarian, inclusive and celebrates diversity. A CECI international network that mobilises key agents of change around the world and advances sustainable solutions to reduce poverty, to strengthen equality and inclusion.
Gender equality, women’s empowerment, and the determination to fight all forms of gender-based discrimination are the cornerstones of our vision of sustainable development and the effective struggle to eliminate poverty and exclusion.
Download our policy on Gender Equality, Rights and Diversity
CECI’s Sustainable Development Policy officially sets out our vision for sustainable development within the organization and in all of our activities. It is intended to help us rise to the challenge of promoting social equity through sustainable economic development, while protecting the environment.
Download our sustainable Development Policy
CECI recognizes that the private sector can, under certain conditions, make an important contribution to development in the countries where it is active. It intends to increase its support for private sector development in developing countries in order to have a greater impact on sustainable economic development.
Download our policy on collaboration with the private sector
CECI strives to create safe workplaces and programs by providing an abuse-free environment, and protect the populations with whom it works. CECI fights against harassment, exploitation and sexual abuse, including all forms of sexual misconduct.
Download our Policy on the Prevention of Harassment, Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
CECI’s Donation and Sponsorship Acceptance Policy aims to define the conditions of acceptance, as well as the management methods of donations and sponsorships, in cash or in kind, from individuals and organizations in the private or public sector.
Download our donation and Sponsorship acceptance Policy
The Anti-Corruption and Fraud Prevention Policy aims to prevent, detect, mitigate and manage the risks related to corruption, fraud and other related organizational hazards, as a way to preserve the long tradition of integrity and credibility CECI has built for itself since its foundation.
Download our Anti-Corruption and Fraud Prevention Policy
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to assert and confirm our behaviour principles and preserve the long tradition of integrity and credibility that CECI has worked to build since it was founded. These are the principles to which we ascribe; they are aligned with our values and rooted in cooperation, integrity, respect, equity and commitment.
Download our Code of Conduct and Ethical Rules
Download the social network netiquette
Download our Code of conduct for Volunteers
In order to fulfill its mission, CECI may work in fragile and unstable regions or ones affected by natural or man-made disasters where there exist risks for the health and safety of its employees and volunteers. CECI recognizes the inherent risks and manages them accordingly.