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Under its new umbrella and direction, CECI Rwanda has been active since December 2020, amidst a global pandemic. CECI Rwanda’s focus has been in strengthening established partner relations through the implementation of Economic Empowerment of Women , Gender Equality and Equity as well as Environmental Sustainable Development and Climate Change. 

CECI also intervened in Rwanda to support reconstruction following the 1994 Tutsi genocide.


With a shared vision and mission, our partners and organizations continue to work in building harmonized  programs which support young vulnerable women. This has been evident in acquiring positive and constructive dialogue with our local authorities, as well as the formation of technical tools, such has financial literacy, agro-economics and agro-business.

in Rwanda


Kigali City
Nyarugenge District
KN 87 ST, Rue Mont Huye, Muhima
Tel: +250 788 650 825
